Church By-Laws

 Debre Sina St. Mary Eritrean Orthodox
Tewahdo Church of Raleigh, NC, USA

Article I – Jurisdiction of the Church

  • Part I

The jurisdiction of this Church will be led by the holy synods of the Eritrean Orthodox Tewahdo Church Canon, Faith, and Regulation, with its spiritual leadership being in correlation with Eritrean Orthodox Tewahdo Church of the United States of America and Canada parish. With its priestly leadership elected by the Eritrean Orthodox Tewahdo Church holy synods or the patriarch of the United States of America and Canada Parish.

  • Part II

All Members of the church shall abide by adhering to the Eritrean Orthodox Tewahdo Church Faith, Regulation, Canon and Law. In addition, everyone must respect and complete orders passed by the Eritrean Orthodox Tewahdo Church holy synod.

  • Part III

The Jurisdiction of this church will not tolerate or support any Members jeopardizing the unity of the church with political, sectarian, and narrow regional ideologies.

  • Part IV

This jurisdiction shall be known and addressed as Debre Sina St Mary Eritrean Orthodox Tewahdo Church of Raleigh, NC, USA.

  • Part V

This jurisdiction will use the official seal issued by the Eritrean Orthodox Tewahdo Church.

  • Part VI

This church is a registered non-profit organization under the legislation of The State of North Carolina. Abiding by the nonprofit legislation tax exempt status stipulated under (Form) 50 1 (c) 3 of Internal Revenue Service

  • Part VII

The jurisdiction of the church will have one building. Having more than one building will be under the prior knowledge and permission of the Eritrean Orthodox Tewahdo Church of the United States of America and Canada Parish.

Article II – Concerning Property of the Church

  • Part I

The compound of the Church will conduct aiding services in Tigrinya and Geez languages with the addition of any language comprehensible by its members. The property of the church will be put to use in accordance with terms stipulated in Article I

  • Part II

With the voting consent of 2/3rd of its active members this church has the legal right to sell property or borrow money. Special meetings concerning such matters will be notified to the members 15 days before the date.

  • Part III

The shape of the church and holy images has to be complementary of Eritrean Orthodox Tewahdo Church faith and regulations. Any reforms to the building have to be with the voting consent of 2/3rd of its active members. In addition, the administering priest with other priests has to ratify it. If it is beyond the capacity of the mentioned members, the parish patriarch has to decide upon it. Special meetings concerning such matters will be notified to the members 15 days before the date.

  • Part IV

In the event the church relinquishes abandons or division is observed in its religious faith and also goes outside of the Eritrean Orthodox Tewahdo Faith, the patriarch of the United States of America and Canada parish is legally obligated to take action. The church administration will assume total control until the church returns to its faith. If the jurisdiction of the church doesn’t amend its ways at the order of the parish patriarch, the property will be transferred to the Eritrean Orthodox Tewahdo Church Parish of the United States of America and Canada. This will be done once debtors or creditors or bank matters are settled.

Article III – Concerning priest of the Church

  • Part I

The priest shall inform any information of the parish to the public.

  • Part II

If a priest is reassigned to another church or is assigned to another job or is relieved of his duties, he has to hand over any church property or manuscript in writing.

  • Part III

If there are two priests within the jurisdiction, one has to be assigned as chief priest by the Parish of the United States of America and Canada.

  • Part IV

The Parish Assembly shall determine the monthly salary of the priest, makes annual living expenses adjustment, and additional benefits for the priest within the financial status of the church. This is decided upon having the public discuss and ratify the matter within the plans of the parish.

  • Part V

In the event that the priest is ill, he shall be paid in full for 3 months. If governmental assistance is not given, he shall have 75 % of his monthly salary as disability and unemployment benefits for one whole year. When a priest is assigned, the church shall pay the transportation expenses.

  • Part VI

A: Annual leave of the priest is determined by the service time. If the priest has served for more than 3 years, he will be given 3 weeks of annual leave. For service time of less than 3 years he will be given 2 weeks of annual leave.

B: A priest can accumulate annual leaves. But the cumulative annual leave shall not exceed 2 months.

C: If the church has more than 2 priests, they must take their annual leave at different times.

  • Part VII

In the event of sudden travels, the priest might have a one-month leave. For travels requiring more than one month the priest must submit his request in writing to the Parish Assembly.

Article IV – Jurisdiction of the Church

  • Part I

Spiritual administration of the church is to be implemented by the priest. The Parish Assembly shall have the following obligations.

  1. Budgeting monthly salary of the priests and informing the public. A paid priest shall not be involved in budgeting concerning his salary.
  2. Financial acquisition
  3. Organizing religious holidays
  4. Outreach and members spiritual growth
  5. Allocating church budgets and acknowledging to the public, and implementing once the public ratifies on it.
  • Part II

In the event of disagreements among the priest and Parish Assembly, the matter should be presented before the church congress. The congress shall nominate 5-member committee amongst themselves. If the committee is unable to resolve the issue. The issue shall be presented to the parish pope. The pope having evaluated the matter will pass a decision. The pope’s decision shall be final and binding.

Article V – Membership of the Church

  • Part I

Any member shall have the following rights.

  • A: Partakes in regular and extraordinary meetings
  • B: Votes and partakes in all meetings regarding the church
  • C: Can elect and be elected for Parish Assembly membership
  • D: Partake in all spiritual activities of the church
  • Part II

In addition to rights mentioned in part 1 a member is obligated to pay any stipulated amount by the church.

  • Part III

Members with financial shortcomings will inform the Parish Assembly and do their part within their ability. If unable, they will be served freely and will be allowed to be a member. The Church and its members, if able, will provide financial assistance to members with difficulties…

  • Part IV

A new member can be registered once: –

A: Completing the membership formalities

B: Pays the monthly payment allocated by the Parish Assembly

C: If able to do so will give annual and monthly collections

D: A member has the right to increase or decrease his monthly collections, but he can do so with the acknowledgment of the Parish Assembly.

  • Part V

If an active member doesn’t pay his dues for 6 month he shall no longer be recognized as an active member, but having paid his outstanding dues he can have his active status restored.

  • Part VI

If an active member doesn’t pay his dues for one year or make his whereabouts known with the church he shall be recognized as an inactive member Inactive member has no right to participate in matters concerning the church. He or she can register as a new member having paid registration fees or having paid his outstanding dues, he/she can have his/her active status restored. Inactive members can pay a 6-month fee and registration fee to have affordable access to services as member.

Article VI – Quorum of the Church

  • Part I

Ordinary meetings of the assembly shall be conducted at least twice in a year. Extraordinary meetings can be called by the priest or Parish Assembly

  • Part II

Ordinary meetings are made known on Sundays after mass with flyers, written letters. The agenda is prepared by the Parish Assembly and is carried on when members are to participate being physically present.

  • Part III

To participate in meetings, members should satisfy the following requirements.

A: Pay monthly collections for more than 6 months.

B: New members can participate having stayed as members for 6 months

C: Can vote on matters of Parish Assembly

  • Part IV

A quorum is when 65% of the active members are present. If 65% of members are not present a second meeting is announced. If in the second meeting 65% are not present a third meeting is announced. The third meeting will be carried on with the present members.

  • Part V

The assembly of the church is led by the chairman meaning the administrating priest.

  • Part VI

The meeting narrative must be signed by the church priest and Parish Assembly secretary.

  • Part VII

Church meetings take place at the end of January and end of August.

  • Part VIII

A member of the Church should be physically present to cast a vote.

Article VII – Parish Assembly of the Church

  • Part I

Parish Assembly organizes as stipulated in the “Kale-Awadi”. In the event there is shortage of priests, deacons can represent and serve. In the event there is shortage of deacons, Sunday school teachers can serve instead.

In the event the church cannot organize as stipulated in the “Kale-Awadi”, Parish Assembly are elected as follows:

  1. With the head priest, 3 priests or deacons, 2 members and 1 Sunday school teacher or
  2. 3 Sunday school teachers and 3 members are elected.

For any of the above unfilled post, a qualified member is elected. The chairman of the Parish Assembly is the head priest.

Elected members serve for 3 years. Newly elected Parish Assembly commence duty 2 months after election. The 2 months waiting period are for handing over property.

  • Part II

Overseers of the Parish Assembly are as follows.

Chairman priest

Finance chief


The remaining shall have duties as stipulated by the church directives.

  • Part III

Position vacancies can occur due to the following circumstances:

A: Death or voluntary relinquishment of position

B: In the event of physical or mental problems

C: Incorrect election procedure

D: Inability to correctly perform monthly obligations

E:  Not abiding by the canonical law of the Eritrean Orthodox Tewahdo Church

F: Spiritual connections within the Church are opposing

G: Disciplinary shortcomings or vows are broken

  • Part IV

If a Parish Assembly member is absent without a reasonable cause for 3 consecutive assembly meetings; he/she is to be removed off his/her duties with the votes of the remaining members.

  • Part V

In the event there is a vacant position, from the auxiliaries with the highest vote can assume the position and serve the remaining period.

Article VIII – Electing Parish Assembly of the Church

  • Part I

Election of Parish Assembly is to be conducted between the second Sunday of November and third Sunday of December. It will be during the Fasting of the Prophets in Geez calendar, right before Christmas.

  • Part II

For an individual to be a candidate for Parish Assembly, he must have satisfied his obligations and be a member for more than a year.

  • Part III

The election of Parish Assembly is to be conducted within the Parish. Votes are to be cast with card ballots bearing the candidate and electing individual names and casting one vote for one candidate only. The electoral process starts after mass and is concluded in one day.

  • Part IV

The results of the election process are registered with the votes obtained and is signed by all of the electoral committee. The elected candidates are announced to all members officially. If two candidates have equal votes, members participate and decide in the election.  Those not elected are listed as runners-up.

  • Part V

If a member has an opposition with the electoral process, he or she shall present his or her opposition in writing to the head priest of the church within 15 days. The grievances shall be signed by a minimum of 30% of Members. The head priest shall pass a final decision having evaluated the matter with the electoral committee.

  • Part VI

In the event an elected member withdraws from candidacy for any reason, the remaining Parish Assembly can have a runner-up substitute for the vacant post once duty and job allocation is structured.

Article IX – Parish Assembly Structure

  • Part I

Parish Assembly conducts regular weekly meetings

  • Part II

Quorum of the Parish Assembly meeting shall be with more than half, or four out of seven are present. The head priest must be present at every meeting.

  • Part III

Meeting summary is to be handled by the secretary. An active member has the right to see the meeting summary. Any meeting summary can be posted within 2 weeks of the meeting if requested by members.

  • Part IV

Parish Assembly chairman will hold the job description as stipulated in the “Kale-Awadi”.

  • Part V

Secretary of the Parish Assembly will have the following duties.

  1. Will handle all church documents, correspondences and ledgers.
  2. Document Parish Assembly letters and all-important writings
  3. Preparing meeting agenda, discussion topics, other information regarding Parish Assembly or the church in a timely manner.
  4. Follows and documents baptisms, funeral service, weddings, divorces and church holidays.
  5. Leads meetings in the absence of chairman
  • Part VI

Finance chief will have the following duties

  1. Controls and record financial status of the church and monthly expenses and collections of members and other financial income of the church in a computer
  2. Prepares annual church budget and receives collected funds
  3. Follows church finances and implements allocated church budgets and cooperates and prepares reports for the financial audit board
  4. Pays all expenses concerning the church on time
  5. Corresponds tax and other forms regarding the church jurisdiction
  6. Balances church receipt and income statements
  7. Gives the money receipt to the treasurer and controls the serial order of the receipt
  8. Signs in all checks
  9. In the absence of chairman and secretary, leads meetings with the permission of the head priest.
  • Part VII

Treasurer will have the following duties

  1. Records members list, new members’ records, and records addresses with secretary
  2. Permitted to carry up-to 300 USD as facilitation expense by the Parish Assembly
  3. Deposits all incomes of the church within 5 days
  4. Records all income and expense of the church on receipt
  5. Records members vows and reminds on a periodic basis
  6. Provides financial report to the finance chief
  • Part VIII

General services chief will have the following duties

  1. Supervises all church properties
  2. Records property in the church storage and holds the key at all times
  3. Follows up repair and maintenance of church building/compound or any other property that requires maintenance in a timely order.
  4. Purchase and provide any requested material with the decision of Parish Assembly
  5. Provide all purchase and material receipt to the finance chief
  6. Reports on church properties at Parish Assembly
  • Part IX

Public relations chief has the following duties

  1. Elaborates on church goals and visions and designs church growth plans
  2. Prepares plans through which aids and funds are obtained for the church from individuals or organizations in agreement with Parish Assembly and priest
  3. Collects suggestions and opinions on the working of Parish Assembly, priests and committees from members and shares with Parish Assembly.
  4. Enriches communications with other jurisdictions of Eritrean Orthodox Tewahdo Churches

Article X – Election Elders

  • Part I

Members of the election elders will not be than 5 members; one priest or deacon; and one from Sunday school will be selected. Members of election elders cannot participate as a candidate to the Parish Assembly membership.

  • Part II

If the number of election elders are not enough, the public must replace the vacant post from Members. Stand by Election Elders fill in as needs arise and members are informed.

Article XI – Accounts Auditor

  • Part I

Members of the auditor committee shall not be less than 3 members and are selected by the church assembly. The selected Auditors cannot be candidates in the new Parish Assembly election and cannot be part of unsettled church finances. And the election process shall be by voting from 5 elected names.

  • Part II

The Account Auditors shall carry out its tasks by properly auditing the church finances and reporting every 6 months to church members. In the event that they ask the reporting to be once a year, 70% of the members have to ratify it.

  • Part III

If an Account Auditor resigns, the parish committee can select from the stand by to fill vacant positions and carry out for the remaining period.

  • Part IV

The service period of the committee is for 3 years and shall have the following additional tasks.

  1. Reporting to church members after conducting annual audits
  2. Controlling all church accounts and committees within the parish
  3. Confirming that allocated budgets were spent in the appropriate manner
  4. All transaction accounts of the church have to be audited. If there are unsettled church accounts, the auditing committee should inform the members in due time
  5. Auditing body shall document and record appropriate measure that it considers to be implemented
  6. Auditing committee shall compare and contrast cash deposits with bank deposit statement slips and withdrawal slips and financial records with the bank lists and ascertains that it is proper and orderly
  • Part V

Members have the right to ask and be provided appropriate answers once all reporting is provided at the assembly. Questions, opinions and information’s are encouraged and solicited.

Article XII – Accounts closing period; Allocation of funds and Church budget

  • Part I

Finance chief of the Parish Assembly;

  1. Keeps appropriate records of expenses
  2. Makes all payments with check
  3. Makes separate deposit receipts for cash and check deposits
  4. All withdrawals are to be carried out by two signatures from chairman and secretary
  • Part II

The Parish Assembly will present inform and ratify annual budget for the upcoming fiscal year at the yearly meeting with the members

  • Part III

At the annual budget meetings, all necessary expenses for the priests is allocated

  • Part IV

General running budget is to be allocated by the church. This will serve for daily transactions of the church. This transaction will be delimited by the Parish Assembly.

  • Part V

Church maintenance budget should be allocated. It should be approved by 2/3 of members if this fund is to be used elsewhere.

  • Part VI

Inheritance or collections given by a contributor shall be used for the purpose indicated by the contributor, using the money for other purposes is strictly forbidden.

  • Part VII

Any property/fund of the church is to be managed by the Parish Assembly

  • Part VIII

The church shall allocate not more than 5% of the budget for special events. This budget will be utilized for large events.

  • Part IX

Any allocated budget shall not exceed its limits. Any increase shall be agreed upon by the assembly, but can also be supplemented from the special events budget. In the event of urgent need, the assembly can withdraw funds with consensus.

  • Part X

General accounting/ finance procedures

  1. Expense records are closed comparing and contrasting with the expense records of the church
  2. Cash payments are not allowed to be paid from the cash donations
  3. All receipts should have the original copy and a carbon copy attachment
  4. All receipts are not permitted to be copies or reprints

Article XIII – Miscellaneous Church Departments

  • Part I

For adult member to participate in the spiritual departments within the church, he or she must have been an active member.

  • Part II

The Parish Assembly has the duty to establish the following committees

  1. Funeral rites steward
  2. Church building maintenance team
  3. Financial Aid team
  4. Stewardship team
  5. Outreach Ministry

These teams report to the Parish Assembly

  • Part III

Committees are established under the leadership of the head priest (Chairman) of the Parish Assembly for 3 years. If a committee chairman hasn’t carried out his duties appropriately, the head priest shall remove him of his duties after consultation with the Parish Assembly members.

Article XIV – Dissolution of Church

  • Part I

If the Church is unable to autonomously carry out its activities, it will call for a meeting of its members with the approval of the Parish Assembly.  ¾ of the active members may decide to close the Church. If the Church is disbanded and the Parish Assembly is unable to summon members, the Eritrean Orthodox Church Pope of the United States of America and Canada decides to close the church. The property of the church will be repossessed by the Eritrean Orthodox Church of the United States of America and Canada. This is done once bank and creditors are remunerated.

Article XV – Assimilation with another Church and amendments to Church bylaws

  • Part I

Amending bylaws of this Church has to be agreed upon by Church members. To amend the bylaws, at least 2/3 of active members should attend the meeting. The change to the bylaws can be approved by 2/3 of the attendee’s present. Members should be notified 15 days ahead of the planned meeting. The change to the bylaws will not come into effect if the amendment is not approved by the Eritrean Orthodox Church of the United States of America and Canada Parish.

  • Part II

Any amended bylaws of the church jurisdiction come into effect once approved by the Eritrean Orthodox Church of the United States of America and Canada Parish.

Article XVI – Use of church property and internal regulations

  • Conversations, discussions and expressing opinion inside the Church is not allowed without permission from the priest.
  • Any property or product with no spiritual message shall not be sold or distributed (secular audiovisual etc). And, similarly, any printed material including flyers are not allowed to be distributed without the knowledge of Parish Assembly.
  • The pavilion, hall room, of the church cannot be used for non-spiritual activities but is available for funeral services, baptism and wedding with no dancing is permitted.